
I’m always excited to share my passion and knowledge through speaking engagements! Whether it’s at conferences, webinars, or company events, I love connecting with audiences on topics like:

  • Design systems
  • DesignOps
  • Diversity and inclusion in tech
  • Career development in tech
  • Tree equity and environmental justice

Selected talks

Decolonizing Your Design System: Unveiling Biases and Revolutionizing Inclusion 

Presented at: Converge UK 2023 (Manchester) • Design Matters 2023 (Copenhagen) • UX Y’all 2023 (Raleigh, NC) • Clarity 2023 (San Francisco)

Recording from Converge UK, September 2023

Information Architects: The Missing Link in Design Systems

I share how Information architects can make valuable collaborators on design systems. View the slide deck, which I enjoyed illustrating, or read a related article.

Presented at the IA Conference 2024, Seattle – a lovely conference full of amazing people. 

Slide deck from IAC, April 2024

Inviting People In

Hiring a more diverse team is just a start. Making people truly feel welcome is something we often forget about. I talk about how you can really invite people in so they have the psychological safety to do amazing work.

Presented at: Beyond Tellerrand 2022 (Berlin), THAT Conference 2023 (Wisconsin), Design Matters’ Design and DEI Masterclass, and for design teams at enterprise companies.

Slide deck from Beyond Tellerrand, September 2022

The DesignOps Starter Kit

After learning them the hard way, I cover five important things when starting DesignOps that most people don’t think consider.

Presented at DesignOps Summit 2021 (virtual). This conference helped me realize I wanted to shift my career from design management to design operations.

Unifying Your Product Design Org through DesignOps

I share with the UX community how DesignOps can level up your team to do their very best.

Presented at UX Y’all 2021 (virtual)

Recording from UX Y’all, 2021

Accessible Design: Designing for Humans

I’ve given talks and workshops on accessibility, which are extremely thorough. I loved this talk because it captures the essence of how to think about accessible design-making things better for people.

Presented at Triangle UXPA’s lightning talk series on accessibility.

Slide deck from the event

👋 Oh hey, you’ve reached the bottom of this! If you’d like to see more, check out my SpeakerDeck which includes the slides to most of my talks.